剑桥高阶英汉双解词典 - conduct collapse

verb /kənˈdʌkt/
I [T]
* to organize and perform a particular activity

1. We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.

2. The experiments were conducted by scientists in New York.

3. How you choose to conduct your private life is your own business!

verb /kənˈdʌkt/
conduct yourself
* to behave in a particular way, especially in a public or a formal situation, or to organize the way in which you live in a particular way

1. How should I conduct myself at these dinners? I know nothing about etiquette.

verb /kənˈdʌkt/
[T usually + adv/prep] formal
* to lead someone to a particular place

1. May I conduct you to your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?

2. The protesters were conducted from the courtroom by two police officers.

* If you conduct a tour of a place, you take people round it and show it to them

1. A guide conducts tours of the cathedral every afternoon at 2.00.

2. a conducted tour of the palace

verb /kənˈdʌkt/
[I or T]
* to direct the performance of musicians or a piece of music

1. The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.

2. Who's conducting at tonight's concert?

verb /kənˈdʌkt/
* to allow electricity or heat to go through

1. Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not.

noun [U] [UK]/ˈkɒn.dʌkt/
* behaviour

1. bad/excellent/disgraceful conduct

2. The club has a strict code (= set of rules) of conduct.

noun [U] [UK]/ˈkɒn.dʌkt/
* the way in which an activity is organized and performed

1. He was criticized for his conduct of the inquiry.

柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典 - conduct collapse

conduct ★★★★☆
The verb is pronounced /kən'dʌkt/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒndʌkt/. 动词读作 /kən'dʌkt/,名词读作 /'kɒndʌkt/。
1.VERB 动词进行;组织;实施 When you conduct an activity or task, you organize it and carry it out.

【语法信息】:V n
  • I decided to conduct an experiment...


  • He said they were conducting a campaign against democrats across the country...


  • The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.


2.N-SING 单数名词(任务或活动的)组织方式,实施办法 The conduct of a task or activity is the way in which it is organized and carried out.

【搭配模式】:with supp
  • Also up for discussion will be the conduct of free and fair elections...


  • The Conservative Party did not in the main disagree with Bevin's conduct of foreign policy.


3.VERB 动词表现;举止 If you conduct yourself in a particular way, you behave in that way.

【语法信息】:V pron-refl prep/adv

【语法信息】:V n
  • The way he conducts himself reflects on the party and will increase criticisms against him...


  • Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.


4.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词行为;举止 Someone's conduct is the way they behave in particular situations.

【搭配模式】:with supp
  • For Europeans, the law is a statement of basic principles of civilised conduct...


  • He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his conduct.


5.VERB 动词指挥(管弦乐队或合唱团) When someone conducts an orchestra or choir, they stand in front of it and direct its performance.

【语法信息】:V n


  • Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe...


  • Solti will continue to conduct here and abroad...


  • At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.


6.VERB 动词传导(热或电) If something conducts heat or electricity, it allows heat or electricity to pass through it or along it.

【语法信息】:V n

【搭配模式】:no cont
  • Water conducts heat faster than air.


7.VERB 动词陪伴;引导;带领 If you conduct someone to a place, you go there with them.

【语法信息】:V n

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
  • He asked if he might conduct us to the ball which was to bring the proceedings to an end.


8.See also:safe-conduct;

    牛津高阶英汉双解 第7版 - conduct collapse

    con·duct verb / kEn5dQkt /
    1. [VN] to organize and / or do a particular activity
       to conduct an experiment / an inquiry / a survey
       The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.
    2. to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music
       a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis
       由科林 · 戴维斯爵士指挥、爱乐交响乐团演出的音乐会
       [also V]
    3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to lead or guide sb through or around a place
       a conducted tour of Athens (= six with a guide, giving information about it)
       The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
    4. [VN +adv. / prep.] ~ yourself... (formal) to behave in a particular way
       He conducted himself far better than expected.
    5. [VN] (technical 术语) (of a substance 物质) to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it
       Copper conducts electricity well.
       铜的导电性能好。 noun / 5kCndQkt; NAmE 5kB:n- / [U] (formal)
    1. a person's behaviour in a particular place or in a particular situation
       The sport has a strict code of conduct.
    2. ~ of sth the way in which a business or an activity is organized and managed
       There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.
    see also safe conduct

    牛津搭配语词典 第2版 - conduct collapse


    I. noun

    1. way of behaving

    ADJECTIVE good The prisoner was released early for good ~. | discreditable (BrE), disgraceful, immoral, improper, inappropriate, unethical, ungentlemanly (BrE), unprofessional, unseemly (esp. BrE) | aggressive (esp. BrE), violent | criminal, disorderly, fraudulent (law, esp. ), illegal, negligent, unlawful, wrongful He was arrested for disorderly ~. | unsporting (BrE), unsportsmanlike (esp. AmE) | homosexual, sexual | personal | business, professional The business ~ of this bank will be subject to UK rules. | Our organization sets high standards of professional ~. | police | human, moral It is tempting to think of morality as a guide to human ~.

    VERB + CONDUCT engage in The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper ~. | govern, regulate rules governing police ~ | explain The police chief was asked to explain his ~.

    PREPOSITION ~ by The violent ~ by the strikers was condemned. | ~ towards/toward her ~ towards/toward her husband

    PHRASES a code of ~, rules of ~, standards of ~

    2. management of sth

    ADJECTIVE proper The elders were responsible for the proper ~ of community life. | day-to-day the day-to-day ~ of the business of the company

    II. verb

    1. organize sth/carry sth out

    ADVERB independently, separately Education was ~ed separately for males and females. | jointly, simultaneously a survey ~ed jointly by two teams of researchers | personally | properly | successfully | regularly, routinely We regularly ~ safety inspections. | online Today, 50% of opinion polls are ~ed online.

    2. (formal) conduct yourself behave

    ADVERB honourably/honorably, well, with dignity She ~s herself with great dignity.

    PREPOSITION as He always ~ed himself as a gentleman. | in They have ~ed themselves in a very professional manner.

    3. heat/electricity

    ADVERB well a substance which ~s electricity well

    Conduct is used with these nouns as the subject: researcher
    Conduct is used with these nouns as the object: activity, affair, analysis, assault, assessment, auction, autopsy, band, blitz, business, campaign, census, ceremony, check, choir, class, concerto, current, defence, demonstration, diplomacy, election, electricity, enquiry, espionage, evaluation, examination, excavation, exercise, experiment, fieldwork, funeral, hearing, heat, inquest, inspection, interrogation, interview, inventory, investigation, litigation, manoeuvre, meeting, mission, negotiation, operation, orchestra, patrol, poll, post-mortem, premiere, procedure, programme, raid, reconnaissance, referendum, registration, rehearsal, research, review, ritual, search, seminar, simulation, study, surveillance, survey, symphony, talk, test, tour, trade, transaction, trial, vendetta, visit, warfare, wedding, work, workshop, worship

    牛津英语同义词学习词典 - conduct collapse

    conduct verb
    behave (conduct yourself well) carry2 (conduct heat/electricity) do1 (conduct an experiment)

    新牛津英语同义词词典 - conduct collapse



    (stress on the first syllable)

    1 townspeople regularly complained about students' conduct
    BEHAVIOUR , way of behaving, performance, comportment, demeanour, bearing, deportment; actions, acts, activities, deeds, doings, handiwork, exploits, ways, habits, practices, manners.

    2 the conduct of the elections
    MANAGEMENT , managing, running, direction, control, controlling, overseeing, supervision, regulation, leadership, masterminding, administration, organization, coordination, orchestration, handling, guidance, carrying out, carrying on; formal prosecution.


    (stress on the second syllable)

    1 the election was conducted according to new electoral law
    MANAGE , direct, run, be in control of, control, oversee, supervise, be in charge of, preside over, regulate, mastermind, administer, organize, coordinate, orchestrate, handle, guide, govern, lead, carry out, carry on.

    2 Lucien was conducted through a maze of corridors
    ESCORT , guide, lead, usher, pilot, accompany, show, show someone the way; shepherd, herd, drive, convoy; see, bring, take, help, assist.

    3 aluminium, being a metal, readily conducts heat
    TRANSMIT , convey, carry, transfer, pass on, hand on, communicate, impart, channel, bear, relay, dispatch, mediate; disseminate, spread, circulate, diffuse, radiate.

    conduct oneself I am proud of the way they conducted themselves
    BEHAVE , perform, act, acquit oneself, bear oneself, carry oneself; rare comport oneself, deport oneself.

    词源记忆 - conduct collapse

    conduct 引导,行为
    来自conduce, 引导。