剑桥高阶英汉双解词典 - throng collapse

[UK]/θrɒŋ/ [US]/θrɑ:ŋ/
noun [C] [+ sing/pl verb]
* a crowd or large group of people

1. A huge throng had gathered round the speaker.

[UK]/θrɒŋ/ [US]/θrɑ:ŋ/
verb [I + adv/prep] [T]
* to be or go somewhere in very large numbers

1. Crowds thronged the market place.

2. The narrow streets were thronged with summer visitors.

3. [+ to infinitive] Thousands of people thronged to see the exhibition while it was in London.

柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典 - throng collapse

throng ★☆☆☆☆
1.N-COUNT 可数名词一大群人;人群 A throng is a large crowd of people.

  • An official pushed through the throng.


2.VERB 动词(人群)涌向,蜂拥 When people throng somewhere, they go there in great numbers.

【语法信息】:V to/into/around n

  • The crowds thronged into the mall.


  • ...the multitudes that throng around the Pope.


3.VERB 动词挤满;群集 If people throng a place, they are present there in great numbers.

【语法信息】:V n
  • They throng the beaches between late June and early August.

    6 月底到 8 月初,他们群聚在海滩上。

  • The streets are thronged with people.


牛津高阶英汉双解 第7版 - throng collapse

throng / WrCN; NAmE WrC:N; WrB:N / noun   (literary) a crowd of people
   We pushed our way through the throng.
   我们挤过人群。 verb   (literary) to go somewhere or be present somewhere in large numbers
   [V +adv. / prep.]
   The children thronged into the hall.
   [V to inf]
   People are thronging to see his new play.
   Crowds thronged the stores.
'throng with sb / sth | be 'thronged with sb / sth
   to be full of people, cars, etc.
   The cafes were thronging with students.
   The streets were thronged with people.

牛津搭配语词典 第2版 - throng collapse


I. noun

ADJECTIVE assembled, gathered

VERB + THRONG join people coming from all directions to join the ~

PREPOSITION among/through the ~ He made his way slowly through the ~. | in the ~ She was lost in the ~. | into the ~ He disappeared into the ~.

II. verb

Throng is used with these nouns as the subject: crowd
Throng is used with these nouns as the object: square, street

牛津英语同义词学习词典 - throng collapse

throng noun
throng verb

新牛津英语同义词词典 - throng collapse


he pushed his way through the throng | a throng of birds
CROWD , mass, multitude, horde, host, mob, assemblage, gathering, congregation, crush, press, body, band, army, troop, legion, gang, stream, swarm, flock, bevy, herd, pack, drove, array, sea, myriad, pile; knot, cluster, group.

1 a crowd thronged the station
PACK (INTO) , cram (into), jam, fill, press into, squeeze into; N. Amer. mob.

2 people thronged to see the play | crowds thronged into the castle grounds
RUSH , stream, flock, troop, crowd, swarm, surge, flood, flow, spill, teem.

3 a large crowd thronged round to listen | visitors thronged around him
CROWD ROUND , press round, mill around; congregate round, converge round, hem in, mob, jostle.

词源记忆 - throng collapse

throng 人群,群集,拥挤
来自中英语thrang, 人群,来自Proto-Germanic→*thrangwa, 人群,来自PIE→*trenk, 挤,压,催促,可能来自PIE→*tere, 弯,转,扭曲,词源同turn, throw, torque。比喻用法,即拧在一起。